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Report a death – what happens next

Padstow, Cornwall

The timescales for settling the benefits can vary depending on what benefits are payable and how quickly we receive everything that we need but paying any benefits due will be handled as a priority.

If you know the member’s National Insurance number and would like to read more about the possible benefits payable from the Plan, you can check which section they are in here and read more on our Section Information Sheets.

The team will contact any potential beneficiaries to obtain any additional information or documents that they need to pay any benefits from the Plan.

Any lump sum benefits are payable at the discretion of the Trustees which means that they do not form part of the member’s estate. The Trustees meet regularly and once they have made their decision, the lump sum can be distributed.

If you would like to contact the team, you can reach them on 0800 781 1378. You can also reach them using the Contact Us form on the website at: or by email at

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