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    1. Who is this for?

      This form is for members of the Final Pay Section and the Money Purchase 2003 (MP03) Section who would like to update or select a nominated dependant.

      A nominated dependant is someone who is not a spouse or civil partner, but whom is financially dependent on you. If there is a pension payable when you die, the Trustee has the discretion to pay whole or part of the pension to a person who you nominate.

      If you wish the Trustee to consider someone who is financially dependent on you, please complete this form. While the Trustee will bear your wishes in mind, the Trustee is not legally bound by them.

    2. Your details

      * Denotes required fields

      Your name


      Look up address

      Date of birth*

      Other information

    3. What would you like to do?

      Nominee information

      * Denotes required fields

      Look up nominee address

      Nominee Date of birth*

      Note: The Trustee has the discretion whether or not to accept this nomination. For guidance, the following conditions must be satisfied for the person you have nominated above to be accepted as a nominated dependant:

      1. You must specify a person, not an organisation (i.e. a charity or a club).
      2. The nominated person must have been financially dependent on you at the time of your death. Before a pension is paid, the nominated person will be asked to provide evidence of financial dependency (e.g. mortgage statements, utility bills). However, it is ultimately for the Trustee to decide if someone was financially dependent on you.
      3. The nomination must be unrevoked by you at the date of death. You may revoke this nomination at any time by contacting the pensions team. This nomination will be revoked automatically on your marriage or remarriage.

      Although I understand that the recipient(s) of the dependant's pension, in certain circumstances, is at the sole discretion of the Trustee, I would like it to consider the person named above.

    4. Your declaration

      Please tick the boxes below to confirm that you understand and acknowledge the statements.

      Data protection

      The Trustee, as the controller under the applicable data protection legislation in the UK, uses certain personal information about you to (amongst other reasons) communicate with you and administer your benefits in the Plan. Your information is shared with the Plan’s administrators, other providers of services to us, and public bodies such as HM Revenue & Customs. For more detailed information on how we use and disclose your information, the protections we apply, the legal bases we rely on and your data protection rights, please see our privacy notice at - This link opens in a new browser window. If you would like a copy of our privacy notice to be sent to you, please contact the pensions helpline.

      Date: 18-10-2024

    Thank you

    You will receive a confirmation email shortly.

    Your form will be processed by the pensions team. Please contact them directly if you have any queries.

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