Whether you are an active member of the Plan, or have stopped contributions and have deferred benefits, there are still ways your benefits can grow.
If you are a Defined Benefit (DB) member, then your benefits increase in line with the rules of your section. Please go to Section information in the Library for further details.
If you are a member of a Defined Contribution (DC) section or have Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs), your money gets invested in a selected range of funds provided by Aviva.
Different funds invest in different assets and you can either choose the fund(s) yourself via the self-select option or use one of our Lifecycle options. See the drop-down boxes below for more information.
We have several investment options available to members.
- Lifecycle options
If you do not want to manage your own investments, you can invest your pension pot using one of the Plan’s lifecycle options. These mean your contributions are automatically invested in different investment funds at different proportions as you get closer to your Selected Retirement Age (SRA).
You can find out more by downloading the lifecycle option leaflets below.
- Self-select options
If you are confident about managing your own investments, you may want to self-select your own funds. The Plan has a range of funds for you to invest in.
- Download the Funds Factsheet PDF (PDF 359KB) to see the full list of funds.
- Monitoring your investments
If you are a member of a DC section or have AVCs, you can log in or register on Aviva’s secure online portal, MyWorkplace - This link opens in a new browser window.
MyWorkplace will:
- allow you to check the value of your pension pot,
- give you information about your investment options, and
- allow you to switch investment funds quickly and conveniently.
Your annual benefit statement
You will receive an annual benefit statement showing the contributions paid into your pension pot (both your contributions and the contributions paid in by Pearson), the balance of your pension pot and an estimate of the pension you could receive when you retire.