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Social care and support

If you or someone you know needs help with day-to-day living because of illness or disability, you may be able to get the extra care and support you need, through social care.

How do I know what care is needed?

If you are unsure about what help is needed, you can ask your local council’s social services department for a care needs assessment. The assessment determines the kind of care required to meet that person’s needs, like healthcare, equipment, help in the home or residential care.

Who pays for the care?

After your local council has completed the care needs assessment, they will do a financial assessment (means test). They will look at income, savings, and property, to work out how much the person can contribute towards their care, and then the remaining amount is paid for by the local council. You can find more information on paying for care using the links below.

The NHS might be able to help cover some care fees for people with complex health needs. The GP or social worker can arrange an NHS continuing healthcare assessment.

If you are caring for a person, then you may be eligible for Carer’s Allowance. This will depend on if you, the person you care for and the type of care you provide, meets certain criteria.

What care options are available?

  • Homecare

    Help with everyday tasks like washing, dressing, or making dinner. You may have to pay for some of these services, but your council will work out how much you can afford before charging you.

  • Home adaptations

    Simple changes to your home to help make things more manageable. The Age UK website (see the link below) can help with some practical tips, technology support, information on paying for adaptations, and ways to find a tradesperson.

  • Care homes

    Care in a residential setting, including 24-hour care in a care home or nursing home, can reduce the stress of looking after your health and care. However, many people feel they do not want to move into a care home or are worried about moving out of their home.

    Age UK has a useful care home checklist that may help you compare places, as well as ensuring you gather all the information you need, while looking around. The link for this checklist can be found in the Useful links below.

  • Specialist housing

    Housing options that let you live independently while offering support on-site. This can include park homes, sheltered accommodation, assisted living and extra-care housing.

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