The best way to contact us is online:
It is quick and straightforward. Just go to the Contact us page.
On our website you can also:
- send us documents securely
- notify us of a change in personal details
- change your selected retirement date
- change your contributions
- request a retirement or transfer quote
- update your expression of wish
Simply go to I want to and select the option you require.
You can email us at
You can call our helpline (Freephone) 0800 7811378 (+44 203 7888562 if calling from outside the UK)
Phone lines are open Monday – Friday 8.30am – 5.30pm, excluding bank holidays
For those members who need to contact us by post we have a new postal address:
The Pearson Pension Plan
PO Box 645
Book a meeting with the team:
Go to Book a meeting with the team to discuss any questions you may have regarding the Plan.