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To switch your funds, please visit Aviva’s secure App or online portal, MyWorkplace at:

Once you are logged in to MyWorkplace follow the steps below to find the fund switch form: 

  • Go to Funds and Investments
  • Then click Find out more about changing investments
  • Once you have been redirected to their Membersite, go to Update investments
  • Then fill in the details under Updating your investment details and click Update investment details

If you need any further help, please contact the pensions team on

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    Welcome to the Pearson Pensions Website feedback form. Help us improve your experience

    Completing this one minute survey will help us improve our website and service to you.

    Step 2

    Why did you visit the website today?

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    Step 3

    Did you achieve what you wanted to do?

    On a scale from 1 - 5, how easy was the website to use? (1 equals difficult, 5 equals easy

    Please tell us what you were trying to do in the following field

    Step 4

    Please tell us your comments or suggestions in the following field

    Step 5

    Please submit your feedback or if you would like us to contact you, tick the box below.

    Thank you for taking the time to leave your feedback