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    1. Who is this for?

      This form is for members of a Defined Benefit section of the Plan, who wish to change or start paying Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs).

      If you are a member of the Money Purchase 2003 (MP03) Section or Auto Enrolment (AE) Section, please visit Pearson Benefits - This link opens in a new browser window to make this application.

      Before deciding to make an AVC payment, we recommend that you check your HMRC limits. These limits determine if there may be an additional tax charge payable. You can read more on our dedicated page - Read more about HMRC limits and allowances - - This link opens in a new browser window or the website - This link opens in a new browser window.

      When you submit the form, it will be sent to Pearson People Services (PPS) to be actioned. Changes cannot be made part way through the month and if your form is received after payroll cut off (normally around 5th of the month), the change will not be actioned until the following month.

    2. Your details

      * Denotes required fields

      Your name


      Look up address

      Date of birth*

      Other information

    3. What would you like to do?

      * Denotes required fields

      You can choose to make Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) either monthly and/or as a single payment. Please note: AVCs may only be deducted via payroll (cheque payments are not accepted).

      Please complete one or both of the tabs below.

      Monthly payment

      I wish to:
      my AVCs. Please deduct the total amount shown below:

      Single payment

      If you wish to make a large non-regular contribution which exceeds your gross monthly pay, you will need to spread this over more than one month.

      Single payment

      To be deducted in - Single payment:

      Please note, if your form is received after payroll cut off (normally around 5th of the month), the change will not be actioned until the following month.

      Before deciding to make an AVC payment, we recommend that you check your HMRC limits. These limits determine if there may be an additional tax charge payable. You can read more on our dedicated page - Read more about HMRC limits and allowances - - This link opens in a new browser window or the website - This link opens in a new browser window.

      Investment selection

      Unless you have previously self selected your AVCs funds, your contributions will be automatically invested in the cash lifecycle option. If you do not wish to remain in the cash lifecycle option you can select alternative funds by logging onto Aviva’s secure online portal, MyWorkplace - This link opens in a new browser window.

      You must complete all of the fields in either "Monthly payment", and / or all of the fields in "Single payment" before you can continue.

      You have started to complete fields in "Monthly payment", you must complete all relevant fields to continue.

      You have started to complete fields in "Single payment", you must complete all relevant fields to continue.

    4. Your declaration

      Please tick the boxes below to confirm that you understand and acknowledge the statements.

      Data protection

      The Trustee, as the controller under the applicable data protection legislation in the UK, uses certain personal information about you to (amongst other reasons) communicate with you and administer your benefits in the Plan. Your information is shared with the Plan’s administrators, other providers of services to us, and public bodies such as HM Revenue & Customs. For more detailed information on how we use and disclose your information, the protections we apply, the legal bases we rely on and your data protection rights, please see our privacy notice at - This link opens in a new browser window. If you would like a copy of our privacy notice to be sent to you, please contact the pensions helpline.

      Date: 14-03-2025

    Thank you

    You will receive a confirmation email shortly.

    Your form will be processed by Pearson People Services (PPS). Please contact them directly if you have any queries.

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