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Your 2021 pension benefit statement is on its way

Covent Garden, London


Great news! Your pension benefit statement for the 2020/21 tax year has now been posted to you along with a copy of the annual trustee report.

You will receive a benefit statement if you:

  • are an active Defined Benefit (DB) member where you are still employed and making contributions to the Plan
  • have a Defined Contribution (DC) pension pot in either the MP03 or AE Sections
  • have an Additional Voluntary Contribution (AVC) pension pot(s) with Aviva.

If you are a deferred DB member, you will not receive a statement for your DB benefits, but you will still receive a statement for any AVCs you have in the Plan.

To help you make the most of your statement, please visit Your Benefit Statement – Explained where you can find useful information about what has been included along with some frequently asked questions. Visit Benefit Statement Assumptions 2021 if you would like to read more about the assumptions that the Trustee has made.

If you still have a question – we are here to help.

In line with pensions regulation, the Trustee has also produced the following documents. Just click on each line to read more: 

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